Monday, July 5, 2010

The Return Of The Prodigal Son

The Return Of The Prodigal Son

As I browsed through most of the Goan news papers, I noticed all of them had the same story on the front page, 'the return of the prodigal son' to the Congress fold, with pictures of smiling faces all-around. I am not at all surprised at this show of high octane theatrics which will surely explode in their faces in due course of time.

Our Holy Book gives us a perfect example of repentance and forgiveness in one of it's parables, the parable of the 'prodigal son', but here we most certainly have a prodigal son in an entirely different form, this prodigal son who had left the Congress fold for mere personal reasons and ego, back stabbing the Congress at the twelfth hour, with a show of arrogance and attitude, but then in a surprise move, supported the very Congress government that he had ridiculed and humiliated just before the election, and was rewarded with a Ministry for his post election support, forgetting all his transgressions, but even after the change of heart from the Congress, during the last three years he has been a constant thorn in the side of Digambar Kamat, threatening to over throw the His government, with the help of the elite G7, lead by none other that our flamboyant Mickky mouse, the dynamic duo of Mickky mouse and the Monster-rat was indeed too hot to handle for the billie (cat) from Margao, but now once Mickky has been taken out of the equation, the G7 has wobbled and what better way and time, to come back to the arms of the ever forgiving 'mother' Sonia Gandhi.

Though the theme is the same, the behaviour of the prodigal son is in total contrast, in the Bible the prodigal son repents after spending his father's fortune on life of debauchery, here the prodigal son in non-repentant even after all the scams, and still arrogant. The prodigal son in the Bible came back after spending his share of his father's property, here the prodigal son has come back with wealth a plenty, with a lot of gold on his fingers, neck and may be in a lot of other places as well. The Bible portrays the prodigal son with shabby clothes, and equally shabby appearance but this prodigal son has come back, well dressed and with well oiled mustache and well groomed hair. In the Bible the prodigal son came back with his head down, full of shame but this prodigal son is back with his head held high, chest pushed out, tummy tucked in and his nose up in the air with no remorse at all. In the Bible the prodigal son's return was celebrated by the father but the elder brother was disappointed, here the mother has forgiven and the elder brother (Digu) is celebrating, he seems more then relieved that his chair, is now secure, for sometime atleast.

The message here that the Congress has sent out, is that the Congress in Goa is nothing more than a mere brothel, join in have fun and leave anytime and if neither party is satisfied with the performance of each other, they can always leave creating the worst of scenes and then come together any number of times for another performance without any preconditions. How gracious Congress hearts and ideologies ? It's politics at it's ugliest best.

The question now on everyone's mind is, how long will this love-hate relationship last ? When will the Don Monserrate get an itch for Digu's chair, next? Will he really anchor in fidelity and keep his vows intact? Only time will tell, though I must say that the ambitions of crooks do not succumb to the treachery and guile of the same.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
Dubai - UAE

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