Thursday, July 8, 2010

Isn't it stupid of Diaspora Goans ?

isn't it stupid of Diaspora Goans to invite corrupt, selfish politicians all the way from Goa ? Shouldn't we show oursolidarity with the Goan activists who are putting their very lives at stake intheir fight to save Goa ? Or is this too a stupid question ? We, some timeshave to counter stupid actions with stupid questions to drive home a point,somzoloi mure Pinto bab ?

In this post and most of my others posts, since I have been active on the net, Ialways blame us Goans or we Goans (me included) and not you Goans, because eventhough I may be a NRG but I am still a citizen of India, I pay my taxes, I sendmy remunerations to Goa and I have not surrendered my Indian passport, even if Ihad the chance to settle overseas, I would not because of the simple reason, Ilike being a Goan and more often then not, I have exercised my right to vote.

Just because I am working outside Goa, does not make me less Goan than thou.

Going back to the stupid question, if you have read my previous articles, I haveexplained and made it very clear as to why we the "NRI worthies" should notentertain our corrupt politicians, it is not that we don't know why people keepon electing the same corrupt people, in most of my post I have mentioned umpteentimes that we should not fall prey to our conniving corrupt politicians, corruptbeget corruption. I have personally not gone and spread my hands before anypoliticians in my entire life, for my own personal wellbeing, yes, for the sakeof the village and our community, I have approached politicians but never everentertained corruption, that's why I have never been scared to call a spade aspade, without any fear of the consequences, be it Dilkush Dessai, Vasu PaiGaunkar, Churchill, or Kavlekar for that matter. I owe these pigs nothing.

As for "NRI worthies" as you called us, talking the talk and not walking thewalk, you have jumped the gun or as it is said jumped to conclusions, though itdoes not perturb me a bit as to what you think of the so called "NRI worthies"like me or the others. I may have not done, what a "NRI worthy" like Dr. AnilDessai has done, but I know what I have contributed to my village and mycommunity, for your information there are two type of workers, those that workto seek adulation, and those that do because they feel, that as a member of thevillage and community it is their duty. Though I may be just a practicingCatholic but I believe in the biblical policy of "let not your left hand knowwhat your right hand is doing" there are times when even my wife of more thantwenty five years does not know what, how or when I do my little for the villageand our community and I am sure there are other "NRI worthies" doing the same.

I do not like to parade my good deeds, but I will tell you about a very smallthing that we do and how it helps the activists in Goa, In our village one "NRIworthy" has started a fund, to use for expenses, in our fight against miners andfor supporting other causes dear to Goa. Even though most of us "NRI worthies"from our place are struggling to make ends meet, we have contributed generously.

It is not just that we have created a fund and left the responsibility to thevillagers, we the "NRI worthies" keep in constant touch with our parish priestand our people, guiding, advising them and giving them moral support and we alsoparticipate actively when ever we are home. At most of the rallies in southcentral Goa, you will find minimum a bus load of our people supporting themovement, if you want you can get this confirmed through Seby the "Naxalite" asour corrupt politicians call him. When we are on holiday for a month, we hardlyget any time to enjoy those holidays because of the present situation, we haveto run from pillar to post to support our people and we do it with a smilingface.

Regarding Arwin Mesquita, I have known him for almost two years and that too,through goanet and since then we meet very often to share our like mindedthoughts, he is one person who could get entry into any country of his choicebut has not done so because he loves Goa and one can see the passion he has forGoa in his writings, he just doesn't right, you can asks the village activistsin south Goa how active he is while in Goa and how he keeps in touch with all ofthem and supports when he is out of Goa. I will not elaborate on his works as heis like me, doing things not for glory.

I have only disclosed this aspect, to bring to the notice of the "NRI worthies"who think that they cannot do anything for Goa from Diaspora and for the benefitof those Niz Goyemkars whose perception of NRG's is like the curtailed vision ofthe proverbial frog in the pond or the well. Now it is up to them, weather theywant to see the NRG's in a broader spectrum of a panoramic view or go back tothe pond or the well, either way, will not bother us, as we intend to continueto do what we do irrespective of the choice that is made.

Sayanora mon ami Pinto

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes--

On The Character of Goans (formerly Re: Swindon Goan Festival)

Wed Jul 7 03:53:23 PDT 2010

DearsTony de Sa < at > wrote a little short story (givenbelow) in the post with the subject line (Re: Swindon GoanFestival) directed towards Freddy Fernandes who, I quote, asked:"Is it a compulsion to invite Goan Politicians for any function by Goans aroundthe world ? I am sure the answer is no...yak yak yak ..."==================Tony wrote:"Dear Freddy,I happened to be traveling to Panjim from Mapusa by cab. Since I was thelone passenger, I struck up a conversation with the cabbie. Apparently, hewas a Goan (Catholic) from say village X. As happens, when Goans meet, theconversation goes something like this; " Arre baba, you are from X do youknow Anton Pedru Ladrao? And do you know Shencor Saulo Sawkar? etc...."During a lull in the conversation, the cabbie told me, " did you know Y isour MLA?" And the conversation went on like this. (I will omit quote marksfor simplicity)Cabbie (C): Arre baba, to koslo re boro munis.

Tony T: Unhh (non-committal grunt)C: To kitem re poixe vantta. Socalchi goddi tenger lokachi ani soggle tekamelltat poixe magpakT: Annh, to poixe vantta? Goddi tor asa zalear zaite poixe zaizatele noi?C: Konakuch rite hattan dhadina. Te dissa, ek gorib bail geli teka meupak.Tichem ghor moddlelem. Tor tika tis hazar (30, 000) rupia dille Tor gorib lokanchi to modot korta. etc........Comment: This is a true story and not a figment of my imagination. So ifthis is the pulse of the aam admi, does it mean that the aam admi wants theMLA to dish out a hand out every time he/ she drops in at the MLA's durbar?Is the aam admi naive not to realize to do this type of charity, the moneyhas to be coming in by some unlawful means? Or does (s)he feel that the MLAis spending his personal fortune?I have also heard of another prominent MLA from South Goa who never refuseshospitality to anyone who visits his place? And that the cauldron of canjiis always on the boil.

So figure it out. The aam admi is indirectly inviting corruption and thenthe same guy complains.

BestTony".....................................................................................................................................................I agree with Tony. There is no doubt a chicken and egg situationprevailing here. But I agree with Tony entirely. At least one reasonwhy the politician is in business is because he knows that he can makemoney because the aam admi knows he cannot get his way legitimately,and feels he has to get around our murderously tangled laws.

Let us take an example: Joao de Moira wants to build a house in thelittle plot he owns, but according to the prevailing laws - about 1sq. m. of setbacks cannot be provided by him. So no house for Joao.What should Joao do? He cannot afford to buy a plot of land at thecurrent extortionist rates. Everyone sympathises with his plight andagrees that he is not troubling anybody by not giving 1 sq. m. ofsetbacks but laws are laws. Even when everyone knows that the law isan ass.

In the end the problem was solved by Dada, his friendly panch, whotells him to go ahead and construct and not even ask him for a bribe.

Of course in the next election, Joao's vote is assured.

But more importantly, when Kantilal the big builder decides to convertall the remainig banana plantations of Moira into concrete jungles,Dada is the conduit to get all the permissions.

Now who will object to what? Certainly not Joao who has got a personalfavour and would not like to sour relations with Dada.

So O dear Tony, you are absolutely right as usual. As you say, "Theaam admi is indirectly inviting corruption and then the same guycomplains." Or even better does not complain at all.To revert to Freddy Fernandes's stupid question, "Is it a compulsionto invite Goan Politicians for any function by Goans around the world?" my answer would be, " Why do you sit in foriegn lands and givesermons to others? Why don't you come to Goa and live here and raiseyour voice wherever you see injustice?" Because the problem in Goa isthat there is not a critical mass of people who are like you darling,whose voices can count.

If such eloquent chaps like you could come to Goa to raise your voicealong with other very eloquent chaps like Jose Colaco, SantoshHelekar, Mario Gouveia, Arwin Mesquita and so on and so forth, thenmaybe we could all do something to change the state of affairs thatprevails over here.

Instead NRI worthies like you love giving sermaos even when you knowthat it is your physical presence and not your words that isimportant.

No Cheers

Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,Moira, Bardez,Goa, IndiaE pintogoa at or ypintogoa at P 0832-2470336M 9881126350

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