Monday, July 5, 2010

Rajan Narayan's Apathy Towards Our Dead

Rajan Narayan's Apathy Towards Our Dead

Looking at the cover story of Goan Observer of June 6, 2010, I was very much appalled to see a coloured photograph of Mickky happily dancing on Nadia Torrado's grave, what sort of humour was Rajan Narayan aiming at, if at all it was humour. It was indeed distasteful and pathetic.

Lead Story
GOA HAS had and continues to have many Casanovas Reporting on the ills or the colourful lifestyle of Mickky is one thing but making a mockery of our dead is most certainly uncalled for.

Rajan Narayan's apathy towards our dead is not acceptable. If Rajan Narayan want's to get at Mickky there are lots of other ways than disrespecting our dead.

Rajan Narayan has been in Goa for ages and should have known better than to hurt the feelings of the largest minority in Goa, If Rajan Narayan wants to derive some humour then he should do it of his own dead ones, if he does not respect his dead it his prerogative but trying to derive humour from our dead is not what we like. We Christians consider our resting place sacred, and so our feeling should be respected.

What ever her life was, she lived it, but in death, it is essential that we show some respect.

Who are we to judge others when we ourselves are stuck in the muck one way or the other. Rajan Narayan should refrain from such callous humour.

Would Rajan Narayan do the same to the other minority community?

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
Jun 9, 2010
Who is Rajan Narayan

Rajan Narayan is an Indian journalist residing in Goa. He is the current editor of the Goan Observer, and formerly edited the Herald, a newspaper formerly known as O Heraldo between 1983 and 2003.
Narayan was the first editor of the Herald (O Heraldo), when the paper was converted, on October 10, 1983, from being the "last Portuguese daily in India" to an English-language broadsheet.
In 2003, he left the Herald, amidst some acrimony, and set up a weekly English-newspaper called the Goan Observer (which is published by his wife),
In his earlier years, Narayan was based in Mumbai the Indian commercial capital 600 kilometres north of Goa, where he worked in advertising, and for publications that included the Onlooker, Imprint and The Financial Express.

Suprisingly any reference to 'God's own country' is missing......

Oh no, ...... I may be just ...... Uranku.., Thinnu.., -Kudikku.... (as they say in his mother-tongue).


In many ways, it resembled the passing of a baton.
Rajan Narayan's journalism had yellowed so much, that it could not rot any further. Even putrification has its limits, you see.
Once you are over and done with vanity journalism, blackmail, extortion, you cannot go much further. You then end up refining your techniques. For example, where earlier you would have bulldozed some dumb fart of a politician into getting you a flat surreptitiously, now you coax the builder lobby and the government to gift you one publicly.
So Rajan had reached a somewhat of a stagnation point.
Read more at ......

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