Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Development Has Damaged Goa’s Environment

Development Has Damaged Goa’s Environment

Development has damaged Goa’s environment Says Jairam Ramesh, Union Minister for Environment and Forests. It is indeed heartening to know that there is someone in the Government if not in Goa at least in Delhi, who is talking about facts and is holding his fort despite pressure from other ministries. It’s been known that the Road Transport and Highway Minister along with Civil aviation minister have been pushing Mr. Ramesh for NOC through protected land for roads and airport projects which Mr. Ramesh has refused on the grounds of environmental protection. I say good work Mr Jairam Ramesh even though he failed to protect our humble dwellings from the CRZ axe.

Stand for the truth and fight for the right or parish in the gutters of corruption. We do need development as long as it is constructive development and not destructive or at the cost of our ecology and our environment. If we go ahead with development at the cost of our ecology and our environment how long will we enjoy the fruits of the destructive development? What will happen to posterity when there in no fresh water to drink, no enough trees left to take in our carbon dioxide and give us oxygen? What will happen when, there is no land available for cultivation, as most the cultivable land is taken by mega projects bringing up concrete jungles and land that will be left, will be scorched and made barren by the infertile residue of mining dust and rejects? What will happen to people living in and around the mining areas as they have been breathing in the dangerous dust day in and day out because of the air pollution? Is this destructive development at the cost of our ecology, environment and life both animal and human, really worth it?

Mr. Ramesh rightly said that we should strike a balance between environment and development so that we live in harmony with nature and our surrounding, respect nature and we will survive a wee bit longer is the message which should be given out to the people.

Though Mr. Ramesh said the right things about protecting our environment, I was mush confused and amused as to what development he was referring to, after thinking for a long time I came to the conclusion that what he perceives as development, is the same sinister development that our over expressive and overbearing PWD Minister was referring to, namely mega projects. What constructive development have we witnessed in Goa? What has the government done to alleviate the water and power scarcity problem in Goa? Has there been any development in our educational policy? Has there been any developmental changes in our public health policy? Has there been even a marginal changes in our employment policy? Has the unemployed number decreased in any way? Has road safety improved in any way? Has crime and frauds especially by politicians come down in any way? Has our government done anything yet to stop illegal mining and deforestation? What has our government done to protect our fields, hills, mangroves, cummunidade lands and low lying fertile lands from builders and developers coming up with mega projects, that do not help us Goans nor can we afford them? Most importantly has governance improved in any way? The answers are frightening indeed and our politicians call it development! If at all there is development, it should be in these above categories, so that the quality of life in Goa improves only then, we can call it development, else it is just degeneration and destruction of our natural resources.

Goa’s green cover is fast depleting and the ugly bald hills and filled up mangroves and fertile low lying fields and the open craters left over by mining have become the landscapes at the moment, a host of oversized mega housing projects have covered most of our coast today, this summer has been the hottest and the rains are less than normal, this has been the effect of the attack on our ecology and environment and as things stand and the apathy of our politicians towards nature, future looks bleek and gloomy.

There is indeed a lot at stake in Goa at the moment and if we ignore it now, we will loose everything and posterity will curse us for not thinking of them and acting accordingly. I request Mr. Jairam Ramesh to put pressure on the Goa Government to stop illegal mining and take firm action against those involved in it without any bias. Protect our ecology and our environment at all cost. The Environment Ministry’s decision to grant Goa “Special Status” is much appreciated.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
Dubai - UAE


Link article:
The government today put on hold granting of environment clearance for mining proposals in Goa till the state finalises its mineral policy.
In a letter to Goa chief minister Digambar Kamat, environment minister Jairam Ramesh conveyed his decision to put a moratorium on consideration of mining proposals for Goa till the state finalises its mineral policy. Kamat had earlier requested Ramesh to put on hold the environment clearances to proposals as the state was in the process of evolving a mineral policy.
“I am advising the officer concerned to return all the proposals to the proponents which are pending for consideration and not to accept any new proposals for the state of Goa,” Ramesh wrote in a letter to Kamat.
He said the Environment Ministry was also planning to conduct an environmental impact assessment study of all the mining activities across the country.
Ramesh said he was planning to rope in Nagpur-based National Environmental Engineering Research Institute to conduct this study to identify remedial measures to reduce the impact on environment by mining activities.

February 22, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Global Goan Convention in Oman

Global Goan Convention in Oman

The 4th Global Goan Convention opened with flair and finesse, the location was well set within the Indian Embassy in Oman , within close proximity of the British and the American Embassies, for once I felt proud to note that the Indian Embassy had a much bigger area than the rest.

The convention started with the welcome song and lighting of the lamp by the elite dignitaries and the main office bearers of the Organizing Committee. The atmosphere and the ambience was very good. The welcome address by the President of the Organizing Committee, Mr. Flynn De Lima said a lot about his personality and his ability in organizing events of such scale. Dr Mario De Souza was his diplomatic self but stressed as he pointed out deficiencies that needed to be rectified by the NRI Commission.

The address by the NRI Commissioner His Excellency Mr. Eduardo Faleiro, was well presented if one may say so, his usual flair and theatrics combined had people smiling and laughing and promised to do whatever he can for the NRG’s, there was not a single “no” I cannot do it attitude, in his talk but one will have to wait to see, if things discussed will infact be put into prospective.

The simplicity and the charm of His Excellency, The Indian Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman, Mr. Anil Wadhwa was very much obvious as he mixed freely with the participants and the organizers, we had heard a lot about him, his good work and his simplicity, which did not take long for us to affirm. In his address he poured out platitudes of the Goan Community in Oman, said that Goans in Oman were well respected and law abiding, he also said that he never came across, situations wherein he had to intervene with the Local Government for the sake of Goans. He also said Goans in Oman , greatly contributed to the unity and progress of the Indian community in Oman . It was indeed a proud moment, for all of us Goans who were present, to be Goans,

Dr. Satish Nambiar, the President of the Indian Social Centre too amply praised the loyalty and the unity along with the good civility shown by the Goan community in Oman , the contributions made to the Indian Community too were expressed.

Dr. Oscar Rebelo, the orator he is, spoke well and made sure that we all understood that in 1961, it was the united Goa that fought and won, but in 1966 it was a divided Goa, which means, it was Goan v/s Goan that fought with each other during the Opinion Poll, then again 20 years later, in 1986 again it was it was Goan v/s Goan fighting for Konkanni, yet again 20 years later in 2006 it was Goan v/s Goan fighting against the Regional Plan and asked for how many more years would we be fighting each other ? He further gave us four points that are to be looked at if we need any semblance of a chance to come out of the muck we are in. 1st that we should be a totally secular Goan Community no matter what. 2nd that we protect our environment at all cost. 3rd We maintain steady growth along with environmental ambiance. 4th Law and order with equal measures for all without any distinction in class or creed. A very sound theory and a perfect recipe for Goa .

As I reflected on the speech, it was very much true, it just struck me that post 1961, our esteemed corrupt politicians were responsible for all the major upheavals in Goa , which were a direst result of their greed for money and power, playing Goans against Goans for their own selfish benefits, and we Goans kept falling for it.

Agnelo Fernandes MLA from Calangute and the Chairman of EDC
spoke well about the schemes brought forth by his department, he also spoke of the tourism activities in his constituency..

Simon D’Silva, the President of Goan Welfare Association, Doha , Qatar , spoke of the present scenario and asked that employment and investment opportunities be created for NRG’s

Prajal Sakhardande was just outstanding as he portrayed pre liberation, post liberation and the present day Goa with vivid slides, his knowledge of the history of Goa is unmatched. Fantastic presentation.
Rajendra Kerkar was at his humorous best as he picked on the Goan politicians while explaining the importance of preserving our ecology and environment and explained the deadly affect on Goa if the water of river Mandovi was diverted.

He also explained the connection of numerous folk songs and religious songs with mother nature and asked us to fight tooth and nail to preserve our ecology and our environment, and stop the destruction of our natural heritage.

Arwin Mesquita from Abu Dhabi, place before us the reality, that at the way things are going on in Goa, our Goan Identity and our culture is at stake and emphasized the need to protect our Goan Identity and our culture, and explained the means and ways to do it.

Freddy Fernandes from Dubai, humbly yours explained in details the ills of mega housing and mining and asked the people to help put an end to the atrocities against mother nature and asked the people to elect clean and incorruptible people if they want, Goa to be there tomorrow, along with a good future for Goa, themselves and for their future generations.

John Desa from Qatar , stressed on the need to protect our land for the future and not to sell it to outsiders, so that what happened to the East Indians (Koli’s) in Bombay should not happen to Goans. He also stressed on the importance of 80% jobs for Goans to be implemented and said all this could be possible only through special status for Goa .
Benedict Lobo from Dubai , spoke about his creation “Radio Goa” wherein one can experience nostalgic Goa at the click of a mouse, and his wish to protect the essence of Goan music. Radio Goa also provides an opportunity to Goans to interact with each other online or in person by participating in a number of get-togethers organized by him in the UAE.

Ramnata Mavlingcar from Abu Dhabi , spoke of the investment opportunities that can be created in Goa that would help both Goans in Goa as well as NRG’s and emphasized on the need to simplify the procedures for investors and proposed a single window process to avoid delays and corruption.

Ulhas Kamat and Nitin Kunkolienkar, members of the NRI Commissioner’s entourage, were at their best, presenting statistics and policies on how good Goa’s economy is and they pictured a very rosy present and an equally bright future, to put in Mr. Kamat’s own words, “statistics are like bikinis, what they revel is seductive but what they hide is indeed vital” very much true but what was hidden was the number of poor people specially from the below poverty line that have benefited from these schemes or the number of applications that are gathering dust due to lack of “vasta” or the money to wet palms.
At the open house for domestic and industrial workers there were a number of issues that were brought up, one being, pension fund or employment opportunities on return, as these workers have to spend all their hard earned money on the survival of the families back home and once retired they have nothing to look back to, here the NRI Commissioner promised them that they will be provided employment opportunities as per their qualification and nature of work done abroad, he also assured them payment that will be equal to what they earned abroad if not more.

Another issue that came up for discussion was the holding of passports of workers by employers, which is against international laws, and the NRI Commissioner along with the High Commissioner assured that they will do everything in their hands to talk to the authorities and solve this matter.

Yet another issue was of a domestic worker, who did not have a contract, she have been refused leave even after four years, she is yearning to get back home to see her family, the High Commissioner himself assured and promised to look in to the matter.

At this point I had to leave but over all it was a very well organized and very well coordinated Convention, the hospitality was outstanding.. The Organizing Committee should be credited for their total professionalism, events of this magnitude are indeed very difficult to handle but The Oman Goan Community did it with ease and aplomb.

The dine and dance too was a success, the music was good, the ambience was nostalgic Goan, people and the delegates meeting each other, exchanging views and ideas, there was certainly no distinction and the floor was never empty, even the High Commissioner and the NRI Commissioner mingled freely in the crowd.
It was indeed a success.

It was good to see a small portion of the diverse Goan Diaspora under one roof, I would like to make a special mention of the young man from Loutolim, who came all the way from Malawi Mr. Vivek Araujo and sang a couple of Konkani songs at the dance. It was good to know, Konkani was still alive and kicking in him

Though it was a success, there were a couple of negatives that were picked up, I was very much hurt and disappointed that English was used as the medium of communication, the coordinators as well as most of the delegates spoke in English, which looked really odd as we had a Goan Convention and Konkani being our Mother Tongue should have been the medium of communication, it looked like most of the delegates left Mother Konkani behind when they boarded the plane for Oman and the Coordinators, in their hurry locked Mother Konkani at their homes before proceeding to the Convention Centre. I just cannot understand why, it is only we Goans that treat our Mother Tongue so disgracefully?

The second being, the initiator of this Convention, the NRI Commissioner Mr. Eduardo Faleiro, was conspicuously and conveniently absent when environmentalists and social activists delivered their speeches, it did look odd, as the initiator of this convention, he should have been present to hear all the speakers, most probably he thought that their speeches were anti Government, but let me assure that none of them were anti Government, what they highlighted were the unhealthy environmental and the mega housing policies of his Government, which are anti Goa and anti Goan, which need to be changed on a priority basis.

The Calangute MLA Mr. Agnelo too seemed to have disappeared into thin air, soon after the first session, I only assume that he could have gone around Oman, to look for equipment to pull the "PRINCESS" ashore or could have been meeting the local civil services, looking for ideas to fight the drug menace in Calangute. A very busy schedule indeed.
Congratulations and well done Oman Goans

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

The Circus called IPL

The Circus called IPL

This week the Indian media have had its time capsules full to the brim, thanks
to the circus called IPL, a mere sporting event that has been turned into a face
off between two nuclear neighbours. Time and again our Indian media gets carried
away at the smell of blood which could have oozed out of a bruise and not necessarily as a result of a deliberate knife attack on an individual.

IPL in it's third year had it's perverse grandeur start with it's "cattle auction", just a week after the petty petulance stand of Hockey India, it is indeed a situation where in one sees the difference in diversity of the two sports in India. One overwhelms with debauchery and the other mired in misery, the game that was supposed to be the national Game of India, lolling in doldrums, in existential crisis, ostensibly seeking life saving support, where as the clone flaunting with exuberance, it's power of it's vaults.

It is very often seen that the power of money sometimes makes people irrational,
there is a huge hue and cry about the treatment meted out the Pakistani players,
at the IPL auction and what indeed transpire there was not good for the sport
nor for India as a nation. If there were security or availability concerns, those should have been sorted out before hand and the concerned players should have been politely told about it, rather then humiliate them in front of the world. Players are not politicians and they should not be victimised for the politicians short comings. By humiliating the Pakistani players, we have stooped to Pakistan's level and their ideologies, if we are a better nation we should show that we are better by our actions.

On the other hand the Pakistani politicians claim that they have been hit below
the belt and for them it's "izzat ka swal hai", is it not our "izzat ka swal" when their trained terrorists hold sway in India? Politicians, whether Indian or Pakistani, are the same rotten apples, they make mountains out of moles, make people fight against each other, it doesn't matter to them, if the nation suffers because of the words or their deed, as long as their seats are made secure.

I do enjoy the game of cricket very much, but not as much as I use to before the
match fixing episode, lost some interest but even then follows it when I have the time, specially, the early afternoon quickie called T20. This version of the game had a rather controversial start in India, with ICL and IPL locking horns in the first year, in the second year it was bulldozed to another continent because of the "Jamboree" called elections, in India and now into it's third year, it's taken an ugly political turn, looks like this "circus" called IPL has a very strong fan following called "controversy".

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

Morality On The Ebb

Morality On The Ebb

We have been reading, that the richest, most famous and the best golfer of all times, after all could not be the best husband. The much respected, veteran of politics even at 86, all white, has enough energy to entertain three young damsels, was caught on tape. A much decorated, authorative and high ranking police officer, had a soft corner for teenage girls, leading to culpable homicide. Our very own young energetic politician's weakness for a Rusputin has made him invincible for a while. Rusputins have also claimed attempted rape by Goan taxi driver, who could give the New York Yankees a run for their money. One of our very own Minister has been accused of polygamy, a former minister was accused of molesting a young lady, not so long ago one of the present minister's son was accused of rape of a minor. A few days ago a police constable was accused of attempted rape, not to mention the three police officers ganging up on a sex worker in a moving police vehicle. I note all these happenings in awe, it has action, it has emotions, it has suspense, thrills, aura of politics and plenty of sex, all in all, it looks like explosive material from a Jackie Collins best seller.

Morality, a virtue which most of us looked up to, is indeed becoming abstract, public figures and icons disintegrating, emanating vulgarities, instead of being role models for the younger generation. The media today has been instrumental in spreading sleaze just to upgrade their viewership ratings. All the soap serials, that our young and the old have become addicted too, what sort of a message do they convey ? Our advertising agencies have been making tremendous contribution to immorality. The fashion industry too has been inspiring the youngsters to hide less and show more, and this has not been just limited to social gatherings but has also entered educational institutions, as well as places of worship, which is very sad indeed.

Can we as a family watch TV at home without being embarrassed, I agree, it's not the same world anymore, that we lived in 30 or 40 years ago, but aren't our young innocent kids vulnerable to all the sleaze that's shown on Cable and Dish TV channels? Health can be treated and retained but innocence one lost is lost for ever, misguided youth have been increasing in numbers and there are a host of personalities, criminal as well as eminent, who indulge in taking advantage of such lost young minds. While the criminals use strong arm tactics or their godfathers in high places, to get away, the eminent personalities use their money or power of office to go scot-free.

Tiger Woods can be excused for his indiscretions, being an adult and consented involvement but the people using public office and men in uniform have to be taken to task, along with all the others who have been using their power, influence or money to circumvent and subvert the due process, abetment is also a criminal act.

The politician and public servant nexus is so well anchored, deep-rooted and preponderant, that the common man, is not in a position to take on the nexus. The frequency of involvement of the police, politicians and their kin, in such criminal activities is indeed repugnant, the custodians of the law themselves turn culprits and audaciously tweak the very process of retributive justice in collusion and on the callous behest of their political masters and vice-versa.

For the law to be effective, we have to plug the lacunae in the law and punish the guilty irrespective of their officialdom or status and morality should be given it's due importance in society.

We have been reading, that the richest, most famous and the best golfer of all times, after all could not be the best husband. The much respected, veteran of politics even at 86, all white, has enough energy to entertain three young damsels, the act was caught on tape. A much decorated, authorative and high ranking police officer, had a soft corner for teenage girls, leading to culpable homicide. Our very own young energetic politician's weakness for a Rusputin has made him invincible for a while. Rusputins have also claimed attempted rape by Goan taxi driver, who could give the New York Yankees a run for their money. One of our very own Minister has been accused of polygamy, a former minister was accused of molesting a young lady, not so long ago one of the present minister's son was accused of rape of a minor. A few days ago a police constable was accused of attempted rape, not to mention the three police officers ganging up on a sex worker, in a moving police vehicle. I note all these happenings in awe, it has action, it has emotions, it has suspense, thrills, aura of politics and plenty of sex, all in all, it looks like the explosive material from a Jackie Collins best seller.

Morality, a virtue which most of us looked up to, is indeed becoming abstract, public figures and icons disintegrating, emanating vulgarities, instead of being role models for the younger generation. The media today has been instrumental in spreading sleaze just to upgrade their viewership ratings. All the soap serials, that our young and the old have become addicted too, what sort of a message do they convey ? Our advertising agencies have been making tremendous contribution to immorality. The fashion industry too has been inspiring the youngsters to hide less and show more, and this has not been just limited to social gatherings but has also entered educational institutions, as well as places of worship, which is very sad indeed.

Can we as a family watch TV at home without being embarrassed? I agree, it's not the same world anymore, that we lived in 30 or 40 years ago, but aren't our young innocent kids vulnerable to all the sleaze that's shown on Cable and Dish TV channels? Health can be treated and retained but innocence one lost is lost for ever, misguided youth have been increasing in numbers and there are a host of personalities, criminal as well as eminent, who indulge in taking advantage of such lost young minds. While the criminals use strong arm tactics or their godfathers in high places, to get away, the eminent personalities use their money or power of office to go scot-free.

Tiger Woods can be excused for his indiscretions, being an adult and consented involvement but the people using public office and men in uniform have to be taken to task, along with all the others who have been using their power, influence or money to circumvent and subvert the due process, abetment is also a criminal act.

The politician and public servant nexus is so well anchored, deep-rooted and preponderant, that the common man, is not in a position to take on the nexus. The frequency of involvement of the police, politicians and their kin, in such criminal activities is indeed repugnant, the custodians of the law themselves turn culprits and audaciously tweak the very process of retributive justice in collusion and on the callous behest of their political masters and vice-versa.

For the law to be effective, we have to plug the lacunae in the law and punish the guilty irrespective of their officialdom or status and morality should be given it's due importance once again in society.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
Dubai, UAE/Nuem,Canacona

29 December 2009

Isn't it stupid of Diaspora Goans ?

isn't it stupid of Diaspora Goans to invite corrupt, selfish politicians all the way from Goa ? Shouldn't we show oursolidarity with the Goan activists who are putting their very lives at stake intheir fight to save Goa ? Or is this too a stupid question ? We, some timeshave to counter stupid actions with stupid questions to drive home a point,somzoloi mure Pinto bab ?

In this post and most of my others posts, since I have been active on the net, Ialways blame us Goans or we Goans (me included) and not you Goans, because eventhough I may be a NRG but I am still a citizen of India, I pay my taxes, I sendmy remunerations to Goa and I have not surrendered my Indian passport, even if Ihad the chance to settle overseas, I would not because of the simple reason, Ilike being a Goan and more often then not, I have exercised my right to vote.

Just because I am working outside Goa, does not make me less Goan than thou.

Going back to the stupid question, if you have read my previous articles, I haveexplained and made it very clear as to why we the "NRI worthies" should notentertain our corrupt politicians, it is not that we don't know why people keepon electing the same corrupt people, in most of my post I have mentioned umpteentimes that we should not fall prey to our conniving corrupt politicians, corruptbeget corruption. I have personally not gone and spread my hands before anypoliticians in my entire life, for my own personal wellbeing, yes, for the sakeof the village and our community, I have approached politicians but never everentertained corruption, that's why I have never been scared to call a spade aspade, without any fear of the consequences, be it Dilkush Dessai, Vasu PaiGaunkar, Churchill, or Kavlekar for that matter. I owe these pigs nothing.

As for "NRI worthies" as you called us, talking the talk and not walking thewalk, you have jumped the gun or as it is said jumped to conclusions, though itdoes not perturb me a bit as to what you think of the so called "NRI worthies"like me or the others. I may have not done, what a "NRI worthy" like Dr. AnilDessai has done, but I know what I have contributed to my village and mycommunity, for your information there are two type of workers, those that workto seek adulation, and those that do because they feel, that as a member of thevillage and community it is their duty. Though I may be just a practicingCatholic but I believe in the biblical policy of "let not your left hand knowwhat your right hand is doing" there are times when even my wife of more thantwenty five years does not know what, how or when I do my little for the villageand our community and I am sure there are other "NRI worthies" doing the same.

I do not like to parade my good deeds, but I will tell you about a very smallthing that we do and how it helps the activists in Goa, In our village one "NRIworthy" has started a fund, to use for expenses, in our fight against miners andfor supporting other causes dear to Goa. Even though most of us "NRI worthies"from our place are struggling to make ends meet, we have contributed generously.

It is not just that we have created a fund and left the responsibility to thevillagers, we the "NRI worthies" keep in constant touch with our parish priestand our people, guiding, advising them and giving them moral support and we alsoparticipate actively when ever we are home. At most of the rallies in southcentral Goa, you will find minimum a bus load of our people supporting themovement, if you want you can get this confirmed through Seby the "Naxalite" asour corrupt politicians call him. When we are on holiday for a month, we hardlyget any time to enjoy those holidays because of the present situation, we haveto run from pillar to post to support our people and we do it with a smilingface.

Regarding Arwin Mesquita, I have known him for almost two years and that too,through goanet and since then we meet very often to share our like mindedthoughts, he is one person who could get entry into any country of his choicebut has not done so because he loves Goa and one can see the passion he has forGoa in his writings, he just doesn't right, you can asks the village activistsin south Goa how active he is while in Goa and how he keeps in touch with all ofthem and supports when he is out of Goa. I will not elaborate on his works as heis like me, doing things not for glory.

I have only disclosed this aspect, to bring to the notice of the "NRI worthies"who think that they cannot do anything for Goa from Diaspora and for the benefitof those Niz Goyemkars whose perception of NRG's is like the curtailed vision ofthe proverbial frog in the pond or the well. Now it is up to them, weather theywant to see the NRG's in a broader spectrum of a panoramic view or go back tothe pond or the well, either way, will not bother us, as we intend to continueto do what we do irrespective of the choice that is made.

Sayanora mon ami Pinto

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes--

On The Character of Goans (formerly Re: Swindon Goan Festival)

Wed Jul 7 03:53:23 PDT 2010

DearsTony de Sa < at > wrote a little short story (givenbelow) in the post with the subject line (Re: Swindon GoanFestival) directed towards Freddy Fernandes who, I quote, asked:"Is it a compulsion to invite Goan Politicians for any function by Goans aroundthe world ? I am sure the answer is no...yak yak yak ..."==================Tony wrote:"Dear Freddy,I happened to be traveling to Panjim from Mapusa by cab. Since I was thelone passenger, I struck up a conversation with the cabbie. Apparently, hewas a Goan (Catholic) from say village X. As happens, when Goans meet, theconversation goes something like this; " Arre baba, you are from X do youknow Anton Pedru Ladrao? And do you know Shencor Saulo Sawkar? etc...."During a lull in the conversation, the cabbie told me, " did you know Y isour MLA?" And the conversation went on like this. (I will omit quote marksfor simplicity)Cabbie (C): Arre baba, to koslo re boro munis.

Tony T: Unhh (non-committal grunt)C: To kitem re poixe vantta. Socalchi goddi tenger lokachi ani soggle tekamelltat poixe magpakT: Annh, to poixe vantta? Goddi tor asa zalear zaite poixe zaizatele noi?C: Konakuch rite hattan dhadina. Te dissa, ek gorib bail geli teka meupak.Tichem ghor moddlelem. Tor tika tis hazar (30, 000) rupia dille Tor gorib lokanchi to modot korta. etc........Comment: This is a true story and not a figment of my imagination. So ifthis is the pulse of the aam admi, does it mean that the aam admi wants theMLA to dish out a hand out every time he/ she drops in at the MLA's durbar?Is the aam admi naive not to realize to do this type of charity, the moneyhas to be coming in by some unlawful means? Or does (s)he feel that the MLAis spending his personal fortune?I have also heard of another prominent MLA from South Goa who never refuseshospitality to anyone who visits his place? And that the cauldron of canjiis always on the boil.

So figure it out. The aam admi is indirectly inviting corruption and thenthe same guy complains.

BestTony".....................................................................................................................................................I agree with Tony. There is no doubt a chicken and egg situationprevailing here. But I agree with Tony entirely. At least one reasonwhy the politician is in business is because he knows that he can makemoney because the aam admi knows he cannot get his way legitimately,and feels he has to get around our murderously tangled laws.

Let us take an example: Joao de Moira wants to build a house in thelittle plot he owns, but according to the prevailing laws - about 1sq. m. of setbacks cannot be provided by him. So no house for Joao.What should Joao do? He cannot afford to buy a plot of land at thecurrent extortionist rates. Everyone sympathises with his plight andagrees that he is not troubling anybody by not giving 1 sq. m. ofsetbacks but laws are laws. Even when everyone knows that the law isan ass.

In the end the problem was solved by Dada, his friendly panch, whotells him to go ahead and construct and not even ask him for a bribe.

Of course in the next election, Joao's vote is assured.

But more importantly, when Kantilal the big builder decides to convertall the remainig banana plantations of Moira into concrete jungles,Dada is the conduit to get all the permissions.

Now who will object to what? Certainly not Joao who has got a personalfavour and would not like to sour relations with Dada.

So O dear Tony, you are absolutely right as usual. As you say, "Theaam admi is indirectly inviting corruption and then the same guycomplains." Or even better does not complain at all.To revert to Freddy Fernandes's stupid question, "Is it a compulsionto invite Goan Politicians for any function by Goans around the world?" my answer would be, " Why do you sit in foriegn lands and givesermons to others? Why don't you come to Goa and live here and raiseyour voice wherever you see injustice?" Because the problem in Goa isthat there is not a critical mass of people who are like you darling,whose voices can count.

If such eloquent chaps like you could come to Goa to raise your voicealong with other very eloquent chaps like Jose Colaco, SantoshHelekar, Mario Gouveia, Arwin Mesquita and so on and so forth, thenmaybe we could all do something to change the state of affairs thatprevails over here.

Instead NRI worthies like you love giving sermaos even when you knowthat it is your physical presence and not your words that isimportant.

No Cheers

Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,Moira, Bardez,Goa, IndiaE pintogoa at or ypintogoa at P 0832-2470336M 9881126350

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Good, Sincere Politicians In Goa - A Myth Or A Mystery?

Good, Sincere Politicians In Goa - A Myth Or A Mystery?

Like the rest of India, Goan politics too has been infested with criminal elements. Records show that a good number of politicians in the Goa Assembly have criminal records or have been known or suspected to have links with criminal elements. We Goans have somehow lost our astuteness and our dignity, as we have been electing the same tainted and corrupt politicians over and over again. Now we have allowed the soaring eagles, to turn themselves into vultures.

Goa is know to be only second to Kerela in literacy, in India, but we certainly do not, do any justice to this record, as we mostly elect the corrupt, fraudulent, illiterate and the worst of politicians to run our government. If we do not translate our high percentage of literacy into effective understanding while electing able, capable and honest men and women, if we cannot display even a modicum of intelligence in electing good people, what is the use of our high percentage of literacy? It has indeed become an unmitigated and an unconscionable tragedy.

Most parties are only interested in giving election tickets to people who can bloat up their party funds and do not look at the qualities and the character of their candidates. As usual all parties pledge that no tainted person will be given a ticket, but unfortunately, it’s not practiced by the eloquent preachers and most criminals are sheltered and feel secure under the ambit of these parties, as a result of which most parties have a striking similarity of afflictions. Thus the edifice of a supposedly good governance is raised on the foundations of criminality and we are least moved by it’s impact nor repelled by it’s horror, as it has only become a natural progression for us, Goans, a perfect hatchery for all the ills.

Though politics and corruption should be antithetical, the two entities are inseparable in Goa and one without the other is untenable. It has been that way for some time now. Our Goans politicians and bureaucrats are become the epitomes of corruption, once in a while our sleuths pick up one or two small fries for corruption trying to pull wool over the eyes of the common men, while the big sharks continue their plunder unabated, protected by the very same sleuths for a share of the spoils, if not, all the minister would have been picked up and locked in the dock by the sleuths with ease.

Of late we have been hearing of the privatization of our heritage sites and forts, what’s our Government upto ? Our heritage sites and forts should be protected and preserved and not try to destroy those “signatures” or remnants of our historic past through commercialization, the authenticity and the exuberance of these places must be preserved at all costs, money only is not everything, these monuments are somehow connected with our lives and our past and they should not be left at the mercy of the highest bidders.

Our politicians have scant respect for nature and even more so for our environment, Governments round the world are worried about global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and the receding of fresh water tables and are planning strategies for long term sustenance of what’s left, but our Goan politicians are going berserk to kill the goose that’s laying the golden eggs for them, not realizing the magnanimity of their callous actions.

Our politicians are going at break-neck speed to devour all our natural resources, not thinking of the future or our posterity and are further contributing to all the adverse causes of destruction and degradation. A lot of them are involved in illegal mining or support illegal mining, hill cutting, filling of mangroves, fields and low-lying areas, tilting the balance of nature in the wrong direction, which can only increase the misery and sufferings of the common men.

It is indeed a tragedy that Maoist have spread over most of North-eastern and central regions of India, but what is worse, is the fact that we Goans elect politicians who are on better than the Maoist, and to avert this tragedy there is only one option. We must accord the same treatment to the corrupt officers and criminal politicians that we would plan for Maoist leaders. As one group is draining the life-blood of the country, while the other is out to destroy the state by allowing crime and corruption to flourish, with no constructive agendas as such, and both entities are equally dangerous for our survival, our upliftment and our developmental progress.

If we want Goa and Goans to survive, by all means, we will have to force viable variations, for a change in the present form of governance, which will have to be thought out carefully, it will be a daunting task no doubt but certainly not impossible, if we all think positively and be committed to the cause of Goa. If only we truly love Goa we will be able to bring this change in governance. Or good, sincere politicians in Goa , will only be a myth or a mystery?

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
Dubai – UAE

6 July 2010

Why Diaspora Goans Invite Corrupt Politicians?

Why Diaspora Goans Invite Corrupt Politicians?

Is it a compulsion to invite Goan Politicians for any function by Goans around the world? I am sure the answer is no. So why invite them, can any one tell me of one Goan politician in the present Vidhan Sabha who is not corrupt or not supporting the other corrupt politicians or not supporting the degradation of Goa, for a share of the spoils and well being? If there exists even one he deserves all our adulation. Chief guests or guests of honour should be role models with impeccable records and character so that other who are present at the function may look up to them for inspiration.
Why not invite some educationists, intellectuals, literary figures, credible social workers, environmentalists or even some of our highly regarded priests or other religious figures, who said it has to be only politicians?

As I see things, I know I am not wrong, I strongly feel those who invite these corrupt politicians, want to score some brownie points against their names and be in good books with the politicians, so that they can use them to legalize a few of their illegalities or get their other work done, when they go back home. Then there are some others, who are natural born politicians bootlickers who just can’t help but keep on licking their boots. For all those who think that they can make use of these corrupt politicians once in Goa, just forget it, they will not even entertain you unless you offer them a bag full of notes.

I know of one person, at whose house two relatives who are now ministers use to frequently visit, he used to entertain them at his cost not just at his home but overseas too where he use to work, whenever they visited. One day the man asked one of the same ministers to help him to get admission for his son in a professional college, even though the boy had a very good percentage the minister told the father that he’ll have to shell out a lot of cash for his son’s admission. This is what our politicians are, fortunately the boy got admission in a professional college but in a different faculty.

In Konkanni there is an adage “hanv maka ani Dev peleak” as far as the politicians are concerned they work for themselves and leave others to God.
Watch out all you Goans who want to score brownie points with our Goans politicians, you all will be disappointed and don’t regret later and if you are bootlickers, continue doing so till your tongue wears out and I assure you, even then you’ll be expected to continue and if you stop your backside will be kicked to kingdom come.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you !!!

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes,
Dubai - UAE
July 6, 2010